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标准化组织正式公布SATA 3.0标准草案

来源: cnBeta.COM   时间:2008-8-19

数据连接标准SATA又有了新版本,SATA-IO组织正式宣布了SATA Revision 3.0这一标准将在今年年底全部完成。
    SATA 3.0标准比现有的SATA II接口速度快一倍,达到6Gbps,并且在处理数据流时更得心应手,并拥有更好的电源管理能力。

    目前已经获知,SATA 3.0的接口和线缆完全向下兼容。

SATA-IO Specifications & Naming Conventions
Specification Revision
Technology Generation
Data Transfer Rate
Interface Name
SATA Revision 3.x
(Not 'SATA III')
Third generation
not 'Gen 3'
Up to 6Gb/s
SATA 6Gb/s +
[product name]
SATA Revision 2.x
(Not 'SATA II')
Second generation
not 'Gen 2'
Up to 3Gb/s
SATA 3Gb/s +
[product name]
SATA Revision 1.x
(Not 'SATA 1')
First generation
not 'Gen 1'
Up to 1.5Gb/s
SATA 1.5Gb/s +
[product name]
Important: Do not use the incorrect terms 'SATA II' or 'SATA III'
The references embedded within the SATA specifications to 'Gen 3', 'Gen 2', or 'Gen 1' are technical spec naming conventions only and should not be used for marketing and product naming purposes.
Mechanisms/Devices Terms to Avoid
Interface Speed Options
Additional Capabilities
Cable Connections
Disk Drives
Host Devices
Port Multiplier Devices
Port Selector Devices
Gen 3


SATA 3.0
1.5Gb/s, 3Gb/s, 6Gb/s
(Note: SATA 6Gb/s is
backward compatible
with SATA 3Gb/s,
and SATA 3Gb/s is
backward compatible
with SATA 1.5Gb/s)

Asynchronous Notification
Link Power Management
Native Command Queuing (NCQ)
Staggered Spin-Up
Results in the following examples of product marketing names...
Device name +
SATA Speed +
Additional Capabilities
ACME Disk Drive
SATA 6Gb/s or
SATA 3Gb/s
NCQ, Hot Plug, Staggered Spin-Up
ACME Port Multiplier
SATA 6Gb/s or
SATA 3Gb/s
NCQ, Staggered Spin-Up
ACME Port Selector
SATA 1.5 Gb/s
ACME Cable
Up to 6Gb/s
std, eSATA, xSATA
ACME Connectors
Up to 6Gb/s
std, eSATA, xSATA
Important: Do not use the incorrect terms 'SATA II' or 'SATA III'
The references embedded within the SATA specifications to 'Gen 3', 'Gen 2', or 'Gen 1' are technical spec naming conventions only and should not be used for marketing and product naming purposes.

T61/T7300/1+1G/14.1(1400*1050)/NVS140M 128M/指纹/蓝牙/DVD刻录/6芯电池

原帖由 shenwhite 于 2008-8-19 14:22 发表
后面的那个3g,6g的是什么东西 传输速度?

T61/T7300/1+1G/14.1(1400*1050)/NVS140M 128M/指纹/蓝牙/DVD刻录/6芯电池

